Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Just a Re-post of my favorite entry... "Ten Things I Hate About You"

1: You're the person that just stops infront of me when I'm walking for no apparent reason( you also belong to the group of three people that takes up the whole pavement expecting people to just walk into the road to get past you!)

2: You are ignorant of everyone else's feelings - you scream abuse down your mobile phone, you put posters around public places inciting hate on various groups, you feel you are all important and no one should be thought of but yourself.

3: You queue jump - jeez I hate you, there are 59 people in this queue and you think you can walk straight to the front and think people will let you, WRONG YOU MORON! "There's a freakin' line you know!"

4: You think that you and a bunch of other people can save the world, you're wrong nature will sort it's self out. Nature will kill what is weak and the strong shall survive, thats the theory of evolution, it works, it's proven. So if a particular species is dying out regardless of whether we killed it, don't forget we are nature too!, it will die. If something is not meant to die then it will find a way not to die. (i.e; get stronger, kill what is killing it, become imune to disease etc)

5: You think that money isn't everything. Try living as long and with as full a life without the money you have now. Point made. Edit; gotta love love too...

6: You will not give in or accept that anyone other than yourself is correct and when you realise that you are wrong you sulk, now this really annoys me because being told you are wrong when you are clearly not is one of the most infuriating things you can have happen to you.

7: You criticize other people for what they think, look like, believe in etc, and persecute them for it. This may be seen as freedom of speech but I don't think that human right extendss so far as to drive someone to commit suicide do you!

8: You think ADD in children is a problem, smack them in the back of the head a few times with a wooden meter stick and they'll pay attention (do not actually hit your children or anyone else's as this is illegal (and you and probably I could get arrested for it).... I warned you)

9: You think Y should be a vowel " 'cause you say so " . You are a moron and you need hitting with a wooden meter stick in the head a few times.

10: You let you pet just take a dump on the pavement and walk away (you bastard!). Not only is this illegal but it's freakin' annoying too, and I'm not the only one who thinks so, why don't you try stepping in some, assbag!

Posted this again just to re-itterate the fact that I hate these people.....

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