Thursday, March 31, 2005

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

the hunt begins

Right then, this sucks but it looks like I'm failing college; lotsa reasons, main one being one missed deadline.
Any I'm after a job, doesn't matter what it is, temp/perm - lifting boxes/building computers, I just need a job somewhere near leeds/wakefield. So if anyone reading this can put me in touch with a job I will be eternally greatful!


Sunday, March 13, 2005

boshdy quote

Tecviper : also said i was half chinese, half japanese, with triad and yakuza connections
Tecviper : he hung up on me
Lion29 : arr an 18 year old op, so thats why ur bustin my balls, might have known
Join: snowmansg
Join: undertablacam
iammarcmason : "they're shooting at us, they're shooting at us"
Join: 1smartie2
Tecviper : cheeky slit arse

Today, The Day Before, and Well Every Other Day

I woke up, got off my bed and messed around with the computer, first thing I do in the morning and I know thats fairly sad but hey, it's my life. I usually check my bands on Project Rockstar (PR from here on) and then hit IRC and see what has happened over night (which is usually nothing) and say hi to anyone that is in.

After messing about for an hour on the pc I'm feeling decidedly STARVED as usual so I go downstairs and knock together some pasta'n'sauce. After eating that I start the shower and let it heat up, while doing that I take a look at whatever I was doing the previous night (usually some C++ or mIRC scripting or something equally as geeky) and mess around with it.

I take a shower, you can guess that part.

After my shower I decide to trim my now rather out of hand beard, so I grab the scissors and attack it (evenly), I also shave the throatie part right outta it. Strict orders from my ladyfriend. Hehehe.

Anyway time to get dressed, so I grab whatever comes to hand, ooh a 4ftFingers T-shirt and jeans, and start to look for for my hat (because I'm growing my hair at the moment and can't style it right now, I NEED A HAIRCUT but I'm not getting one, sod that, hehehe tell you later) ARGH... I can't find my hat!! nightmare because I know I have it somewhere. After a good 30 min search I decide to wear a crappy black one that I found on top of the wardrobe.

I leave the house and go on my way to college.

College sucked today, nothing fun happened and I think I only laughed once, I like to laugh atleast ten times in a day. Oh well I'll live because nothing bad happened today. Hehehe, anyway that was (very briefly) college.
Hometime, yeah so now i'm at home, I've been here about 45 mins and typing this for about 5. Tonight I may update this again, I dont know.

Anyway, I have been Marc, and you have been reading.
Thankyou and goodnight.x.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


erowid: - my latest project. w00t. lotsa php on it, taken a while cos well.. i'm lazy,. but all I really need on it now is content and then it's done, apart from the regular updates ofcourse. :)