Wednesday, December 15, 2004


ok so I'm drunk, sue me!

Me and matt went out for a session last night at 7 after a decent Cisco lesson.
started of in yates and had 2 pints, the onto music ground bar, and had a pint of stella, then on to brb and had 4/5 bottles of corona and a REALLY NICE pizza (I'll be going back on tuesdays!!) then onto bar Phono (i think??) It, was gay night and we didn't know so we stayed in for a bottle o beer and then left (didn't fancy the touchy feely) the onto flares in which we had a bottle of WKD each (which was £6.80!!!!) then we lft there after getting a guy inot shit with a couple of lasses, much fun, then onto the cockpit which was a right laugh, we got in at about half eleven and it was "slam dunk" club-night so we stayed in till it closed at half 2!! we had about 7 bottles o beer in there, at 1.50 a time ye can't go wrong!!!, the I wlked matt to his g/f's club then I went for a taxi, realised they wouldn't be coming for a good few hours so I walked up to the train station ( a good 15 min walk but it was fine I was talking to more drunks =D) then I got a taxi all the way home (which cost £17:30!!!!!) had a really good night! i have no idea how much i spent, i dont even wanna think about it, but i know it was alot and im gonna regret it tomorrow!!

anywau i'm off to bed, so i'll see you lot later

*much luvs, marc*

1 comment:

Trish said...

Sounds like you had fun!!! i can't wait until college next fall; this town blows ass.
