Sunday, January 09, 2005

I found this on "this site", and havn't done anything like this for a while, so I figured I'd rip it off... (with permission of course)

Have You Ever...

01. Kissed your cousin: no
02. Run away: yes
03. Pictured your crush naked: yes
04. Actually seen your crush naked: see above
05. Broken someone's heart: sadly
07. Been in love: right now
08. Cried when someone died: yes
09. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yeah
10. Broken a bone: yes, many
11. Drank alcohol: kinda question is this; I sure have!!!
12. Lied: unfortunatly and I got in lotsa shit for it too

Which Is Better...

13. COKE OR PEPSI: Fanta!
15. GIRLS OR GUYS: Girls
16. FLOWERS OR CANDY: Candy (I got me hayfever =o[ )
17. SCRUFF OR CLEAN SHAVEN: I have a tendancy not to shave
18. QUIET OR LOUD: Depends what I'm doing
20. BITCHY OR SLUTTY: the difference between them is??
21. TALL OR SHORT: No preference
22. PANTS OR SHORTS: hmmm.... neither ;-]

With The Opposite Sex...

24. LAST PERSON YOU SLOW DANCED WITH: my girlfriend katie
25. WORST QUESTION TO ASK: when is the baby due?

The Last Time...

26. SHOWERED: yesterday (dont worry I had a bath his morning)
27. HOOKED UP: wuh... oh scored... erm..... bout 6 months before I met katie

What Is...

29. YOUR GOOD LUCK CHARM: the thing round my neck that my dad gave me when I was seven
30. PERSON YOU HATE MOST: hmm hard question... remind me to get back to you on this one.
31. THE BEST THING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU TODAY: today hmmm... hearing my g/f breath against my neck while we lay together silent.


32. COLOR: clear
33. MOVIE: Pi
34. BOOK: I don't read
36. JUICE: grapefruit/cranberry/orange/apple (I like juice)
37. CAR: Maserati Quattroporte
38. ICE CREAM: hmmm.... Ben n jerrys - anything with cookie dough in
39. HOLIDAY: I dont have holidays
40. SEASON: summer. I like the heat
41. BREAKFAST FOOD: breakfast, i dont like the sound of that.


43. COLOGNE: anything that doesn't make me choke on the bus
44. PERFUME: see above
45. KISS: the first one I shared with katie =D
46. ROMANTIC MEMORY: I'm not much for romance, but probably every cosy night I spend with her.
47. MOST RECENT ADVICE GIVEN TO YOU: Stop drinking, exersize more and stop DRINKING. to which I said NEVER and ran away.

Have You...

48. Fallen for your best friend?: apart from katie who i didn't know before we became best friends. no
49. Kissed JUST a friend?: nope
51. Been in love?: am right now
52. Been in lust?: heck yeah
53: Used someone?: probably =[
54. Been used?: definatly
55. Cheated on someone?: nope, wouldn't
56. Been cheated on?: yeah
57. Been kissed?: duh, ofcourse
58. Done something you regret?: many times

Who Was The Last Person...

59. You touched?: katie
60. You talked to?: my mother
61. You hugged?: katie
62. You instant messaged? katie
63. You kissed?: katie
65. You yelled at?: it's been a while but probably someone at work
66. You laughed with?: katie
67. Who broke your heart?: hmmm.... remind me to get back to you on this one too
68. Who told you they loved you?: katie

Do You...

69. Color your hair? when i can afford it
70. Have tattoos? not yet..
71. Have piercings? yes
72. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?: no/yes/no
73. Own a webcam? nope
74. Own a thong? probably somewhere
75. Ever get off the damn computer? kidding arnt you

Have You / Do You / Are You...

79. Stolen anything? yes, probably when i was younger
80. Smoke? nope
81. Schizophrenic? he might be but i never was
82. Obsessive? yes
83. Compulsive? no
84. Obsessive compulsive? no
85. Panic? yes, but rarely
86. Anxious? yes
87. Depressed? when bad stuff happens yeah
88. Suicidal? only as a something to think about, philosophically
89. Obsessed with hate? yes
90. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? yes
91. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? yes
92. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? somewhere warm, damn warm! that or antarctica cos its beautifull
93. Can you do anything freakish with your body? erm.. i can wiggle my ears. thats about it
94. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others? mouth nose eyes general face i guess
95. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? seeing as i'm not american I would never vote anyway but besides that yeah, GO equality.
96. Would you marry for money? how much?
97. Have you had braces? nope
98. Do you like hairy backs? on women or men?, neither btw
99. When was the last time you gave head? ...i head butted someone the other day but thats not what you mean is it... never.
100. Could you live without a computer? doubt it, specially not on life support.
101. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc.? erm i have msn messenger does that count?
102. If so, how many people are on your list(s)? 108
103. If you could live in any past, where?hmm aceint greece probably
104. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: take them off unless im off in the cellar or conservatory cos they both freeze my feet
105. What is your favorite fruit?: grapefruit, grapes, oranges, lemons, erm... probably a few more, they all great!
106. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: i dont usually eat bread but if i have to i eat any.
107. What is your favorite place to visit?: hmmm... i liked the parthenon in greece, i wanna go back there
108. What is the last movie you saw?: Athe devils arithmatic
109. Do you kiss on the first date?: if they are willing, then probably.
110. Are you photogenic?: i dno, check out the profile pic and tell me.
111. Do you dream in color or black and white?: neither, but i dream. they are more textures than colours if you ask me its the 4th dimension of colour.
112. Are you wearing fingernail polish?: not right now, no
113. Is it chipped or fresh?: N/A
114. Do you have any dimples?: yeh one on my left cheek, unless i out grew it, i can't say i check everyday
115. Do you remember being born?: just the slap on the ass
116. Why do you take surveys?: I had nothing else to do on a sunday night
117. Do you drink alcohol? yes - too much
118. Did you like or do you like high school?:I hated it with a passion
119. What is the best accent? british(this was the last guys comment YOU ROCK!) hmm i like the irish accent.
120. Who do you want to kiss?: katie
121. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: i usually see (and enjoy) them both
122. Do you want to live to be 100?: i plan to die before im fifty (doing something fun)
123. Is a flat stomach important to you?: nope
124. Do you or have you played with a ouija board?: yeh it was hella fun. i would do it again but no one wants to do it with me again (sadsacks)
125. Are you loyal?: yes
126. Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: yes, with regards to religion etc, not if its something thats blatantly wrong like the sun revolving round the earth or something dumb like that
127. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: OFF definatly
128. Do you have frequent nightmares: I hope for one every night, no joke, i like them they are an interesting insite to my pschye
129. Do you like your nose?: hmm i dno, do you?
131. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real? i was never told he was real
132. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?:hmm i have them in a drawer and bout 6/7
133. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?: i like to wear one pair, the others are for special occaisions or when i really do fancy a change or when these ones break.
134. Do you write poetry?: yes
135. Do you snore?: ask someone else...
136. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: sides, its the only way i can sleep
137. dog/cat? cat, but im not adversed to dogs that dont want to eat me,
138. Do you lick stamps?: no they are self adhesive now.
139. Do you use an electric can opener?: no you lazy git!
140. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon?: not yet.
141. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: emotional although i would imagine being disembowled would be pretty shit.
142. Favorite TV show?: i rarely watch tv, but i would probably say family guy/dilbert or documentries on random stuff like ice.
143. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?: yes
44. Do you prefer a piano or a violin?: depends what mood im in
145. Are you a sex addict? i wouldn't say addict....
146. Do you know someone who has cancer?: yes =[
147. Do you like to argue?: when im in the mood you can't shut me up (wanna fight about that!)
148. Do you hunt?: nope, im not allowed weapons
149. Do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants? whatever tickles my fancy
150. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?: ill take the art probably, but then i liek animals too, so either
151. Do you have a middle name? dave
152. Are you basically a happy person?: basically
153. Are you tired?: my fingers are from typing this crap, but it's only early (23:30) so no
154. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?: yea i had a bottle of bawls for dinner, but i havn't had any coffee today.
155. Have you ever met anyone from the internet? yeah..
156. How many phones do you have in your house?: 3 and 4/5 mobiles at any one time.
157. How long is your hair?: well erm.. about 2/3 inches at the moment but im growing it at the moment so it'l be longer soon.
158. Do you get along with your parents?: depends what kinda mood they are in, but yeah generally
159. What color of eyes do you prefer?: not fussed what so ever. could be red yellow purple white.. white would be cool. wonder if i can remove the colour from my iris ??

The Last Time I...

221. Smiled?: smiling right now
222. Laughed? laughed hard about 5 hours ago chuckled about every other five mins
223. Cried?: about three days ago
224. Bought something?: about 10 hours ago (a choc cookie and a bag of crisps)
225. Danced?: everytime i hear some music i like
226. Was sarcastic?: hehe, whenever im in the mood.
227. Kissed someone?: hmm whenever i left katie to come home, probably bout 4 hours ago
228. Talked to an ex?: a loooong looong time ago
230. Do you own any plaid clothing?: one shirt im not allowed to wear =[
231. Do you own Converse shoes?: damn hell no!
232. Do you own Saucony shoes?: who?
233. Do you own old school Nikes?: i wish, the originals rocked not these shitty replica ones you see now!
234. Do you wear tight pants?: if i must, yeah i own a pair i think.
235. Is there more than one zipper in your pants?: not right now no

In The Last Day Have You...

236. Worn a skirt: nope
237. Been mean: jokingly yea
238. Been sarcastic: definatly
239. Met someone new: not in the last day no
240. Missed someone: always and forever
241. Hugged someone: yes
242. Fought with your parents: nope
243. Wished upon a star: i dont make wishes, i do like stars though
244. Laughed until you cried: not in the last day
245. Played Truth or Dare: nope
246. Watched a sunrise/sunset: both
247. Went to the beach at night: beach, where do you think i live!!
248. Spent quality time alone: yes
249. Read a book for fun: i dont read (if i can help it)
250. Are you lonely: sometimes
251. Are you wearing your pajamas?: what, no, i dont own any (hint hint buy me some!)
252. Are you talking to someone online: surprisingly no
255. Boxers or Briefs: boxers but im not adversed to briefs

enjoy and fill it out in a comment if you got time....

much love


marc mason said...

yeah course ive played truth or dare, just not in the last day (which was the heading on that part) :) lol, anyway thanks for the comment and yeah i took quite a while to do. hehe.
Katie knows about my blog, she doesn't approve because she thinks i'll talk about her alot, lol, i dont really so she's not too bad with it i suppose.
oh well, nice to hear from you.

luvs marc

Trish said...

Alrighty, i finally read the whole thing. You knew i would. You purposely filled that wholedamnthing out so you could waste my time. But now, as your stalker, i know even more about you. MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

i think if we ever met, we would get along great.

And yes, British accents are hot, but American girls are hotter ;)
